Notes on Coding Clearly


Although there are no coding standards for this class per se, there are a number of common-sense practical techniques for making code easier to read that you should follow lest you incur the wrath of your instructor, TA, and fellow students. I’ve codified these as a set of obnoxious aphorisms so that they will be easy to remember. Before turning a program in, you should review these and check whether you have any gross violations of them.

A program is a form of communication between you and the computer

The ultimate purpose of a program is to tell the computer how to perform some task. Why state the obvious? To place the following in stark contrast:

A program is a form of communication between you and a human

Computer programs are never finished, only abandoned. Except for very simple programs, the last bug will never be fixed, the last feature never integrated. Programs are always being worked on, so they are always being read by humans. Whether that human is your successor at your company or is simply yourself two weeks in the future, they will almost never know how all the code is supposed to work when reading it. A maintainable program must, therefore, be written so as to be comprehensible to someone who doesn’t already understand it. This is arguably the most important aspect of a good program. A fast program isn’t any good to anyone if it’s broken or if no one can figure out enough of it to make it work under the new version of Windows. And as Ken Forbus says, it’s a lot easier to make a clean, slow program fast, than to make a fast, ugly program clean.

You should write a program in the same way you would write an essay.

A program should be as concise (read: "short") as possible so that the reader doesn’t get lost in page after page of verbiage. However, since the whole purpose of conciseness is to make it intelligible, you obviously shouldn’t make the program so short as to sacrifice intelligibility.

You need to think about what the reader can be counted on to understand in advance and what they cannot, taking special care to make the latter clear.

You also need to put some thought and care into the placement of components in the source file(s). Things should be easy to find. Related components should be nearby one another. Modern programming environments make this somewhat less of an issue (since they can usually bring you to the definition of any particular procedure or variable automatically), but it can still be important, particularly for TAs trying to read your code.

Only the computer reads the program in its entirety

If everyone who worked on Windows 2000 has to read and understand all 40,000,000 lines of code before starting work on a project, Microsoft would never be able to hire any new programmers. So programs need to be written so that you don’t have to read the entire text in order to understand the function and operation of one little section. When writing and commenting code, do not assume that the reader has already read the whole thing.

Computers read the punctuation, humans read the indentation

Here is a horrible fragment of C code:


and here's the equivalent in Scheme:

(open-window f (if (begin (set! a (+ a 1)) (foo-of a)) c (+ d 7)) (bla (bleep (+ x 7) (+ y 2) (let ((old-z z)) (set! z (+ z 1)) old-z)) (+ x 4) (let ((old-z z)) (set! z (- z 1)) old-z)) c)

If you're reading this before we've gotten to C code, you can just skip over the C examples here.  Come back and reread this when we get to C.  By the way, the Scheme version is longer partly because it has more ()'s and partly because, as you'll learn later in the course, "++" in C corresponds to a combination of let and set! although its exact meaning depends on whether it comes before or after the variable it's modifying.

While this code is somewhat complicated, it’s easy to find considerably more convoluted code in the business world. And it’s really easy to find uglier code in people’s homework assignments.

Now ask yourself: what the fourth argument to open_window is.   The answer is "c", but most people looking at the C code tend to think it’s "x+4" and people looking at the Scheme code will just give up.  If you stop and look at it carefully, probably by manually counting parentheses, you’ll get it right. But who wants to have to do that with every passing glance at a fragment of someone’s code? That’s why you should write the code like this:

(open-window f
(if (begin (set! a (+ a 1))
                        (foo-of a))
                 (+ d 7))
             (bla (bleep (+ x 7)
                         (+ y 2)
                         (let ((old-z z))
                           (set! z (+ z 1))
                  (+ x 4)
                  (let ((old-z z))
                    (set! z (- z 1))

Most C programmers have a higher tolerance for grouping ambiguity than I do, so they'll probably write:


However, I prefer:


which makes the all of the grouping explicit.  Some programmers deal with this by introducing intermediate variables, for example:

arg2 = (a++,a->foo)?c:d+7;
arg3 = bla(bleep(x+7,y+2,z++);

open_window(f, arg2, arg3, c);

Personally, I dislike this approach because it means that if I want to know what the second argument to open_window is, I have to search backward for the definition of arg2. But the whole point of writing clear code is to allow the reader to figure out what they need to know about the code with a minimum of bother. That means they shouldn’t have to do a lot of skimming looking for definitions of things.

Note that if you write it like this:

(open-window f
(if (begin (set! a (+ a 1))
                        (foo-of a))
                 (+ d 7))
                 (bla (bleep (+ x 7)
                      (+ y 2)
                      (let ((old-z z))
                        (set! z (+ z 1))
                 (+ x 4)
                 (let ((old-z z))
                   (set! z (- z 1))


which is indented, but indented wrong, we will be forced to kill you in order to protect society from the buggy code you and your offspring would write were you allowed to survive and procreate. Writing it like this:

(open-window f
(if (begin (set! a (+ a 1))
(foo-of a))
(+ d 7))
(bla (bleep (+ x 7)
(+ y 2)
(let ((old-z z))
(set! z (+ z 1))
(+ x 4)
(let ((old-z z))
(set! z (- z 1))


is considerably less dangerous (and more common), since it makes it obvious to the reader that you are a pinheaded loser whose code should not be trusted, whereas the previous example appears to be competently indented code. However, we would probably have to have you killed anyway.

What I’m trying to say here is that code indentation is not just a matter of making the code look pretty. It’s a matter of making it intelligible to humans.  The computer can figure out what's going on by looking at the punctuation because it's good at counting parentheses.  We're not good at it, but we are good at processing visual information.  So in order to make the code intelligible to both machine and humans you need to not only get the syntax right, you also need to get the indentation right.

You must indent your code properly for this class. If you do not, it will be returned to you ungraded and counted as late. Or we may just kill you. Or, if we really hate you, we’ll go ahead and pass it out to all your friends for code review and make them figure it out. Then you will have to go into hiding for several weeks until they forgive you.

The basic idea is to make sure that:

The standard indentation rules for Scheme code are:

Names should be chosen so a naïve reader’s first interpretation is always right

Readers use the name of a variable or procedure to determine what that variable’s function is without having to check its definition. Names therefore have to be chosen carefully to avoid confusing the reader.

Suppose you have a variable that points at the window that’s used to display the current document. You would probably want to call that variable something like current-document-window. You should not call it current-document, since that would mislead a naïve reader into believing the variable was a document and not a window. However, if it’s clear from context in all the places where the name is used that it’s really a window, then current-document might actually be a better name, since it is more succinct. Adding -window would only be cluttering the screen with redundant information.

Data are nouns, procedures are verbs, predicates are statements

Some parts of a program describe data while others describe procedures. Data should be given names that are nouns or noun phrases, while procedures should be given names that are verbs or verb phrases. This is just common sense. A procedure that creates a window should usually be called make-window, not window. A variable that holds a window should be called window, new-window, w, etc., but not create-window.

Flags and predicates (Boolean-valued variables and functions) should be named with statements. Thus the predicate that tells you if a window is closed should be window-closed? and the flag that tells you whether the current window is closed should be something like current-window-closed?. In Scheme, it is common practice to put a ? at the end of these variable names. In common lisp and sometimes in C++, people will use "-p" or "_p", meaning "-predicate" to indicate that something is a predicate or flag.  In C and C++ it's also common to prefix flags and predicates with "is" so that "digit?" in Scheme would become "isdigit", "is_digit", or "isDigit" in C or C++. 

Exception 1: True functions should be named after their return values

Some procedures, for example a procedure that opens a file, are called primarily for their effects. These, as I said, should generally have names that are verb phrases (i.e. that express some action). Thus the file opener would be called open_file, or open, or get_file, or what have you, but not file, since that wouldn’t make it clear whether it was opening a file or returning some previously opened file. However, many procedures are thought of by their designers as being like mathematical functions. Either they don’t have any side effects to their execution, or their side effects aren’t important. These functions are best named after their return values, which are usually nouns. Thus, a procedure that computes the cosine of its argument should be called cos or cosine, but not compute_cosine, which is just silly. If it’s a procedure, it’s computing something, so adding "compute_" to its name is redundant and just clutters up the code.

Exception 2: procedures treated as data can be nominalized

Nominalized means "turned into a noun." Suppose you have a procedure that calls make-window and you decide that you need to be able to change how windows are created depending on context. A common way to do this is to pass the procedure for making windows as a parameter. You might then call the parameter window-maker, a noun phrase, rather than make-window, a verb phrase, so as to emphasize the fact that it’s a data object that can vary from use to use.

If you can’t think of a good name for it, it’s probably bad code

Do not just call a variable "thingy" or "boolean" because you can’t think of a more descriptive name for it. Explain what it does to the TA or to a friend who’s a more experienced coder and see what they’d call it. If you can’t figure out how to explain to them what it does, then that is often an indication that it doesn’t really work at all. At very least, it’s probably too convoluted for anyone to figure out. You should try to think of a better way to write it.

Believe it or not, becoming a good programmer often involves extending your vocabulary. If you run out of ideas for a variable, try bringing up Word and using its thesaurus feature to look for related words and concepts that you can use.

Comments are the documentation technique of last resort

Suppose you’re writing some kind of a command processor. It reads a command, looks up the appropriate procedure to handle the command, and then runs it. Sometimes, you need to have a procedure whose purpose is to drop you out of the handler for the command and return you directly to command processor. (If you don’t know how to write one of these don’t worry, suffice it to say that it’s possible). A good programmer will call this procedure something like abort-to-command-processor. However, a bad programmer will call it something like stop-thingy and then write half a page of comments above its definition explaining that it aborts the processing of the current command and returns execution to the command processor. The problem with this approach is that half the readers of the program won’t be looking at the definition of the procedure when they want to understand it, they’ll be looking at one of the calls to it. Half of them will assume that there is some class called thingy and will start looking for thingy.h or thingy.scm, figuring that it’s better to figure out what thingys are first, before trying to figure out how thingys get stopped.

Redundant comments are worse than no comments

"Add one to x" is not a useful comment for the statements "(set! x (+ x 1))" or  "x += 1;". Many students add comments to their code that just get in the way of reading the code. You should only add comments when they express something that isn’t already evident from the code itself.  Comments are more code that the poor reader has to wade through, so you need to carefully balance their benefits against the cost of having to read them.